True 8.1.0

True Changelog

8.1.0 (10/02/24)

  • FEATURE: If True sass option is not specified, True will automatically attempt to use embedded-sass, then sass. #290
  • INTERNAL: Add sass and sass-embedded as optional peer-dependencies.
  • INTERNAL: Update dependencies

8.0.0 (02/23/24)

  • FEATURE: Add True sass option (string or Sass implementation instance, defaults to 'sass') to allow using either sass or embedded-sass.
  • FEATURE: Add the Node.js package importer to the Sass importers option by default, if Dart Sass v1.71 or later is available. Users can opt out by providing their own importers option, e.g. { importers: [] }.
  • BREAKING: Drop support for node < 18
  • INTERNAL: Remove sass as a peer-dependency.
  • INTERNAL: Update dependencies

7.0.1 (01/04/24)

  • FEATURE: Validate runSass arguments and warn if using v6 API.
  • DOCUMENTATION: Add note that { style: 'compressed' } is not supported.
  • DOCUMENTATION: Add note about possible Jest error and workaround.
  • INTERNAL: Update dependencies

7.0.0 (12/14/22)

  • FEATURE: contains() checks multiple block with matching selectors. #243
  • BREAKING: Upgrade to newer Sass API
    • Add True sourceType option (path [default] or string)
    • Reverse order of expected arguments to runSass: 1) True options, 2) source path (or string), 3) optional Sass options
    • Note that some of the Sass options have changed. For example, includePaths is now loadPaths, outputStyle is now style, importer is now importers, etc. See the Dart Sass documentation for more details.
  • BREAKING: Require sass (>=1.45.0) as a peer-dependency, removing True sass option
  • BREAKING: Drop support for node < 14.15.0
  • INTERNAL: Use both Jest and Mocha for internal testing
  • INTERNAL: Remove documentation from npm package
  • INTERNAL: Update dependencies

Migrating from v6

  • runSass arguments have changed:


const path = require('path');
const sass = require('node-sass');
const sassTrue = require('sass-true');

const sassFile = path.join(__dirname, 'test.scss');
  // Sass options [required]
  { file: sassFile, includePaths: ['node_modules'] },
  // True options [required]
  { describe, it, sass },

const sassString = `
h1 {
  font-size: 40px;
  // Sass options [required]
    data: sassString,
    includePaths: ['node_modules'],
  // True options [required]
  { describe, it, sass },


const path = require('path');
const sassTrue = require('sass-true');

const sassFile = path.join(__dirname, 'test.scss');
  // True options [required]
  { describe, it },
  // Sass source (path) [required]
  // Sass options [optional]
  { loadPaths: ['node_modules'] },

const sassString = `
h1 {
  font-size: 40px;
  // True options [required]
  { describe, it, sourceType: 'string' },
  // Sass source (string) [required]
  // Sass options [optional]
  { loadPaths: ['node_modules'] },

7.0.0-beta.0 (09/16/22)

  • BREAKING: Upgrade to newer Sass API
    • Add True sourceType option (path [default] or string)
    • Reverse order of expected arguments to runSass: 1) True options, 2) source path (or string), 3) optional Sass options
  • BREAKING: Require sass as a peer-dependency, removing True sass option
  • BREAKING: Drop support for node < 14.15.0
  • INTERNAL: Use both Jest and Mocha for internal testing
  • INTERNAL: Update dependencies

6.1.0 (03/02/22)

  • No changes since v6.1.0-beta.1

6.1.0-beta.1 (02/24/22)

  • FEATURE: Clearer formatting of failing test diffs #210
  • INTERNAL: Limit files included in npm package #189
  • INTERNAL: Convert JS to TypeScript and bundle type definitions #212 – thanks to @robertmaier for the initial PR #206
  • INTERNAL: Remove documentation static-site from True repository
  • INTERNAL: Use Jest for internal testing (replaces Mocha)
  • INTERNAL: Switch from Travis CI to GitHub Actions for CI
  • INTERNAL: Update dependencies

6.0.1 (10/16/20)

  • Remove eyeglass specific-version requirement.
  • Update documentation

6.0.0 (07/22/20)

  • BREAKING: Switch to Dart Sass with Sass module system, dropping support for Node Sass.
  • BREAKING: Drop support for node < 10
  • BREAKING: Rename $true-terminal-output setting to $terminal-output when importing as a module (with @use). Projects not using Sass modules can still @import '<path>/sass-true/sass/true' and access the setting as $true-terminal-output
  • FEATURE: Added _index.scss at the project root, for simpler import path: @use '<path>/sass-true'
  • FEATURE: New sass/_throw.scss module provides:
    • error() function & mixin for establishing “catchable” errors
    • global $catch-errors toggles how error() output is handled
  • FEATURE: Support testing content properties which include a curly brace.
  • Update dependencies

5.0.0 (06/03/19)

  • BREAKING: Update API for runSass, which now accepts two arguments: a sassOptions object and a trueOptions object.
  • BREAKING: Drop support for node < 8
  • Add docs and testing for usage with Jest #135
  • Add sass option to runSass for passing a different Sass implementation than node-sass #137
  • Remove node-sass from peerDependencies
  • Fix deprecated use of #138
  • Update dev dependencies

4.0.0 (04/09/18)

  • BREAKING: Move node-sass to peerDependencies
  • Update dependencies
  • Add JS coverage reporting

3.1.0 (03/06/18)

  • NEW: Add contains() mixin for more minute output comparisons. Works the same as expect(), but doesn’t require a complete match.
  • Update docs

3.0.2 (10/6/17)

  • Dependency updates

3.0.1 (9/13/17)

  • Update docs

3.0.0 (8/26/17)

  • Update dependencies & release

3.0.0-beta.1 (6/1/17)

  • Added describe and it mixins, as alias for test-module and test respectively.
  • Added $inspect argument to assert-equal and assert-unequal mixins, for comparing inspect($assert) == inspect($expected) instead of $assert == $expected. This helps with several of the equality edge-cases listed below (rounding and units).
  • BREAKING: No more Ruby gem or Ruby CLI
  • BREAKING: No more bower package
  • BREAKING: Removes special-handling of equality, in favor of allowing Sass to determine the best comparisons. There are a few edge-cases to be aware of:
    • In some versions of Sass, manipulated numbers and colors are compared without rounding, so 1/3 != 0.333333 and lighten(#246, 15%) != #356a9f. Use the $inspect argument to compare rounded output values.
    • In all versions of Sass, unitless numbers are considered comparable to all units, so 1 == 1x where x represents any unit. Use the $inspect argument to compare output values with units.
    • Lists compare both values and delimiter, so (one two three) != (one, two, three). This can be particularly confusing for single-item lists, which still have a delimiter assigned, even though it is not used.

2.2.2 (4/11/17)

  • assert-true returns false on empty strings and lists
  • assert-false returns true on empty strings and lists
  • Module/Test/Assertion stats are included in reports

2.2.1 (2/7/17)

  • Output CSS context around Mocha parsing errors.
  • Added $fail-on-error argument to report() mixin. Set to true if you need the Sass compiler to fail on broken tests.
  • Fix bug with assert-false causing it to fail on null values.
  • Allow unquoted descriptions and test/module names.
  • Fix bug throwing off test-count and reporting.

2.1.4 (12/22/16)

  • Fix default assertion messages
  • Upgrade dependencies

2.0.2 (5/13/15)

  • Fixes debug inspector.

2.0.1 (5/9/15)

  • Improve internal logic, and namespace private functions behind _true-*.
  • Add assert(), input, and expect mixins for testing CSS output.
  • Support for LibSass.
  • Add Mocha JS integration. — Create NPM package.
  • Simplify output options down to single $true-terminal-output setting.
  • Add eyeglass support.

1.0.1 (10/18/14)

  • LibSass 3.0 compatability.

1.0.0 (10/3/14)

  • Add command-line interface: true-cli <path-to-file>
  • Use -s flag for silent output
  • Check for unit differences between numbers.
  • Add assertion-failure details to css output.

0.2.0 (7/15/14)

  • Simplified reporting in both terminal and CSS.
  • Remove default-module-output, $default-test-output and $default-final-output. Replace them with $true settings map: (output: css, summary: terminal css). output handles test/module output, summary handles final output. Assertions are always output to the terminal if they fail.
  • Update to use Sass map variables.
  • Add report function and report mixin, for reporting final results.
  • Only register as a compass extension if compass is present. Compass is no longer an explicit dependency.
  • Adjust the output styles to work with Sass 3.4 and have more visual consistency.

0.1.5 (6/10/13)

  • Append actual results to custom failure messages.

0.1.4 (6/9/13)

  • Null result is considered a failure.
  • Allow output to be turned off for certain modules/tests/assertions.

0.1.3 (6/7/13)

  • Nest assertions within test() {} named tests.
  • Cleaner css output.

0.1.2 (6/7/13)

  • Use nesting for modules with test-module() {}
  • Added failure message argument to all assertions.

0.1.1 (6/6/13)

  • Fix bug in lib/true.rb compass plugin registration.

0.1.0 (6/6/13)

  • assert-true(), assert-false(), assert-equal(), and assert-unequal().
  • pass() and fail() for tracking and reporting individual results.
  • start-test-module() and report-test-result() for module results.
  • Includes tests of the testing tools!