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Event Macros


Showing stand-alone event lists



Display a top-level section of talk & workshop events


  • title {string}
  • events {collection}

    Array of event objects. These should be pre-compiled event objects, using either the getEvents (from a collection) or pageEvents filter.

  • all {boolean} = true

    If we’re only showing upcoming events, we’ll reverse the order so that the soonest event is first.

  • by_bird {none | collections} = none

    Optionally pass in the collections object in order to sort events into groups by Bird.


Display an array of events as a simple list


  • events {array}

    Array of event objects. See the event filters for data structure.

  • all {boolean} = true

    If we’re only showing upcoming events, we’ll reverse the order so that the soonest event is first.

  • heading_level {integer (1-6)} = 4

    Adjust the heading level for individual event titles, depending on the context where this list is shown.

  • compact {boolean}

    When showing an event list inside a grid of talks or posts, we only show the most recent 2 events, and simplify the styling/output.


Display date and location for an event


  • event {object}

    A single event, built by either getEvents or pageEvents.

See Also