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2024 Posts

  1. A green on dark-gray horizontal bar chart, with the labels cut off
    Article post type

    What do survey demographics tell us?

    Are we measuring what we meant to measure?

    There’s been a lot of interest in the results of the annual State of CSS survey, but are we asking all the right questions?

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  2. A gallery of numbered images in four columns
    Article post type

    Choosing a Masonry Syntax in CSS

    What makes something a ‘grid’, and what’s at stake?

    Back in 2020, Firefox released a prototype for doing ‘masonry’ layout in CSS. Now all the browsers are eager to ship something, but there’s a hot debate about the best syntax to use.

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  3. Sass logo in black
on top of bright oklch color gradient
    Link post type

    Sass Color Spaces & Wide Gamut Colors

    Inspect and manipulate the new CSS color formats in Sass!

    CSS has a range of new color functions that support wider color gamuts (like display-p3) and perceptually uniform color adjustments (like oklch). Sass now provides additional tools for working with these new color formats, and converting between them.

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  4. Winging It post type

    Learn CSS Grid - Part 2

    In July we talked with Stephanie Eckles about how (and why) you can get started working grids into your CSS toolkit. As requested, this is part two of our dive into CSS grids. We address your questions about strategy – demoing how we plan and apply grid layouts, starting with…

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  5. Winging It post type

    Web Components

    Web Components are a polarizing feature that seem simultaneously old news and not quite ready for production yet. But we’ve been making things with Web Components, and finding some areas where they really work well. Join us, along with special guest Zach Leatherman of 11ty, to hear more about how…

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  6. see all Article posts
  7. Article post type

    Partial Feature Queries, Relaxed Layout Containment, and More

    CSS Working Group updates from July

    Over the last month, the CSS Working Group has determined we can loosen containment restrictions for query containers, and agreed on a syntax for special-case support queries (like support for the gap property in a flex context, or support for align-content in a block flow context).

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  8. Winging It post type

    Learn CSS Grid First

    We talk with Stephanie Eckles – the brain behind and – about CSS grids. We look at a few of the most common grid patterns, to show you how (and why) you can get started working grids into your CSS toolkit!

    see all Winging It posts
  9. A stepped gradient of a pink hue in 2% lightness increments from 100% to 58%, labeled 'spec'
    Article post type

    CSS Working Group Updates for June & July

    What I’ve been working on as an Invited Expert

    The CSS Working Group has regular face-to-face meetings (hybrid online/in-person) throughout the year, and they always result in a flurry of activity! Here’s a rundown of some highlights from the last few months, with a focus on the features I maintain.

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  10. FD logo repeated on a red background
    Link post type

    5 Questions for Miriam Suzanne

    I talked with Jens Oliver Meiert over at Frontend Dogma about our work here at OddBird, what’s happening in the CSS Working Group, and advice for getting started in frontend development.

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  11. A dog zooming by the camera, up-close, body twisted and eyes wide as it circles a grass yard
    Article post type

    Zoom, zoom, and zoom

    The three types of browser (and CSS!) magnification

    I’m working on an article about fluid typography, and relative units. But instead, I fell down this rabbit hole – or a cleverly-disguised trap? – trying to understand ‘zoom’ in the browser (not Zoom™️ the software). Since I couldn’t find any up-to-date articles on the subject, I thought I shoul…

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  12. A rusty anchor hanging with the sea in the background.
    Article post type

    Updates to the Anchor Position Polyfill

    Catching up to the spec

    Our sponsors are supporting the continued development of the CSS Anchor Positioning Polyfill. Here’s a summary of the latest updates.

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  13. Winging It post type

    Using New Color Formats

    Miriam Suzanne, Stacy Kvernmo, and James Stuckey Weber demo how to use new color formats with OddContrast, a color tool for previewing, accessibility testing, and selecting the format/space.

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  14. Video post type

    Smashing Hour with Miriam Suzanne

    I joined Geoff Graham for a Smashing live stream to talk about CSS, web standards, music, and more!

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  15. A back hoe on the bank of the Suez, trying to free the Ever Given cargo ship
    Article post type

    Learn Grid Now, Container Queries Can Wait

    Take your time with new CSS, but don’t sleep on the essentials

    Several people have asked recently why container queries aren’t being used more broadly in production. But I think we underestimate the level of legacy browser support that most companies require to re-write a code-base.

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