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A scene wipe transition in Star Wars,
as Luke and C-3PO in a speeder
wipe across a close-up
of Luke and Obi-Wan talking.
Over top, a dotted line shows the transition edge,
and a red arrow shows the transition movement
in front of the speeder.

Every Transition is a Page Transition?

Experimenting with the shared element transitions API

There’s a new web API proposal for transitioning shared-elements across pages. It’s great for making smooth page transitions, but what if we apply it to individual elements with changing styles on a single page?

Over the last couple of years, the Web Incubator Community Group has been developing a proposal for Shared Element Transitions. The stated goal is to smooth out transitions across page-loads on the web – helping users maintain context as they navigate. From the explainer:

When a user navigates on the web from Page-A to Page-B, the viewport jumps and there is a flash of white as elements disappear only to reappear in the same place in some in-progress state. This sequenced, disconnected user experience is disorienting…

I haven’t been involved with the development of this feature, but I was excited to see it underway. Last week, I decided to take a closer look.

The initial draft API was released last year, along with a prototype available in Chrome Canary. To turn on the prototype in Chrome:

  1. Navigate to chrome://flags/
  2. Search for and enable Experimental Web Platform features
  3. Search for and enable documentTransition API
  4. Restart the browser
  5. Check out the demo site!

In order to animate ‘shared elements’ across different pages, we need to:

  1. Associate elements on the starting page (like the thumbnail of a video) with elements on the ending page (like the video itself).
  2. Start a ‘document transition’ from one page to the other, which will animate each ‘shared’ element between the two pages.
  3. Optionally override the default transitions used for each ‘shared’ element.

In the first draft of the feature, JavaScript was required for all three steps. At that point, many of us suggested that steps 1 and 3 in particular feel like style concerns that could be handled declaratively in CSS. And earlier this year, Jake Archibald presented a new proposal & prototype, which makes that possible!

  1. We can use the page-transition-tag property in CSS to give each element a name. If the start and end pages both have an element with the same name, it becomes a shared element!
  2. At this point, we still need JavaScript to create and start transition events (we’ll get there).
  3. We can optionally override the default transitions in CSS by applying animation styles to several pseudo-elements that represent the elements-in-transition.

For more detail on the full API, I recommend reading the Developer Guide.

Last week at SmashingConf SF, Jhey Tompkins mentioned something that caught my attention. According to Jhey, it’s possible to trigger a page ‘transition’ without ever leaving the page you’re on. That seemed strange to me. Is it just a bug in the prototype? But after thinking through it more, this makes sense.

Shared-element transitions are designed to work with standard web navigation across multiple page loads, as well as page transitions in ‘single-page’ apps (often called SPAs). While many SPAs have similar features built-in, a web platform approach requires less code, and will result in better, more consistent performance. In either case, the stated goal is to help with transitions from one ‘page’ to the next – but SPAs (by definition) recreate the effect of a page-load without ever leaving the page. We might update the URL and replace the entire contents of the page, but from a browser perspective there is no change from one document to another.

Since SPA transitions are supported, and SPA navigation happens entirely in-page, a ‘page’ in this case is just any given state of the document. We can capture the state of things at one moment, define that as the starting page, make any changes we want, and define the results as our ending page – then animate between them.

The result is just like a ‘FLIP’ (first, last, invert, play) animation! If you haven’t encountered FLIP before, Cassie Evans is a great resource on the topic:

Cassie also gave a brilliant talk at SmashingConf about FLIP animations in responsive design. I’ll post that video here if it becomes available.

CSS can currently only animate by smoothly updating the value of a property. We can animate a change in opacity from 0 to 1, because CSS understands all the opacity values between 0 and 1. Along the way, CSS can show us an opacity of 0.001 and 0.002 and so on, up through 0.998 and eventually 1.

But there are many properties that we can’t animate in that way, like grid-item positions. There are no valid grid-column-start values between 1 and 2 – grid lines only exist as whole steps, or what we call ‘discrete’ values, without any other values in-between. Since CSS has no way to represent the infinite intermediate steps along the way, we aren’t able to animate between them. The same is true if we want to change the order of elements in grid or flexbox layout, and have them re-arrange automatically.

What we really want to do in this case is animate the results of those style changes. The ‘in-between’ positions aren’t values of any CSS property, but actual coordinates on the page – the changes in an element from state ‘A’ to state ‘B’. Again, we’re describing the common use-case for a FLIP animation.

For my own talk at SmashingConf, I created a visualization of Cascade Layers being ‘sorted’ into groups. The visualization starts with an explicit layer order followed by 9 layer blocks & imports, mixed together in random order. Three buttons allow them to be shown either in their original order, sorted so last-takes-precedence, or weighted with most powerful at the top:

Layers can be written in any order, with the same layer being used in multiple locations, but CSS will treat layers as groups based on the established layer-order – which we can visualize sorted into groups such that the ‘last-takes-precedence’.

Pressing a given button changes a data-sort attribute on the (flexbox) list of layers, and then CSS order and flex-direction (both discrete values) are used to re-order the list in different ways. I wanted to animate the re-ordering to make it clear what’s happening, but in a hurry I didn’t want to mess with the JavaScript libraries required.

It may also be more semantically appropriate to do this sorting in the DOM – and I may still do that – but at the time I was more concerned about the resulting stage visualization. Either way, sorting in CSS or in the DOM, the shared-element transition will work. All that matters to this API is that something changed between two states, and we can animate each ‘shared element’ from one state to the other.

In this case, we want to associate each element in the initial state with the same element in the target state. Since the element itself isn’t going anywhere, we can do that by giving each element a unique page-transition-tag. That transition-tag will be the same both before and after the state-change, associating the element before with the same element after. I used a for loop in Sass to apply unique transition-tags on each layer:

// for each of the nine layer blocks
@for $i from 1 through 9 {
  // give it a transition-tag based on its nth-position
  [data-layer]:nth-of-type(#{$i}) {
    page-transition-tag: layer-#{$i};

That’s all we need in the CSS. I also have a pressBtn JavaScript function that changes an attribute on the list. This is the function that ‘triggers’ our change:

const btnPress = (btn) => {
  list.setAttribute('data-sort', btn.dataset.set);

All that’s left is telling the browser that this attribute change should be considered a ‘document transition’. As far as I can tell, with my limited research, this seems to work:

const btnPress = (btn) => {
  // create a document transition
  const transition = document.createDocumentTransition();

  // start the transition,
  // and make our change in the callback function
  await transition.start(() =>
    doc.setAttribute('data-sort', btn.dataset.set),

Roughly speaking, the browser will take a picture of each tagged element before any changes are applied by the callback function, and then take a picture of any tag-associated elements after the change has been applied – and animates between those two images.

It’s worth noting that – while we haven’t changed any content on the page, and only a few elements are moving – the browser does actually consider this a transition ‘between pages’. For the duration of the transition, the entire page is being turned into a set of captured images to cross-fade. That can lead to some unexpected stretching of the surrounding elements if we’re not careful.

Here’s the live demo on codepen:

See the Pen In-Page Transitions by @miriamsuzanne on CodePen.

And a video of the animated results:

You might also notice the clip-path animation on the list itself looks a bit janky. The prototype doesn’t yet support ‘nesting’ shared-elements in a transition – so the items are being pulled out of the list (where they appear un-clipped) for the duration of the change. If I understand right, that will be improved in later versions, allowing the outer clip animation to impact the items inside.

I’m sure there are more improvements that we could make here – like checking for support of the API and providing a fallback, or providing more detailed animation rules, or re-arranging the DOM rather than using CSS order – but I’ll leave all those optimizations as an exercise for the reader.

I am not an expert on the details of this API – and the API itself is likely to keep changing. At this point, I’m just an interested developer playing with an early prototype, and potentially pushing it outside the intended use-cases.

I’ll be interested in feedback on this from the people working on the spec, or anyone else who wants to explore. I’ll try to provide updates here as my understanding develops.

Mia from behind,
standing at a laptop -
speaking to a conference audience
and gesturing to one side

Cascading Style Systems

A workshop on resilient & maintainable CSS

New CSS features are shipping at an unprecedented rate – cascade layers, container queries, the :has() selector, subgrid, nesting, and so much more. It’s a good time to step back and understand how these tools fit together in a declarative system – a resilient cascade of styles.

Register for the October workshop »




There’s a new proposal for animating shared-elements across web pages. But what happens if we apply it to individual elements within a page? @TerribleMia explores the possibility of native FLIP animations in the browser:…

Johannes Odland 🏳️‍🌈


I find this approach interesting, but would it work if there are other elements like tooltips above the transitioning elements, or if there are other animations, videos or interactions running while the transition takes place? I’m dreaming of an element transition api 😀

Mia (not her best work)


This was all sparked by a demo video @jaffathecake released last month, and then an edge-case @jh3yy suggested, a visualization of Cascade Layers, and an inspiring talk on ‘impossible’ animations from @cassiecodes. Put it all together, and…

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