Speeding Up Your Sass Compilation in Vite and Webpack
A quick guide to adopting the modern Sass API
Sass compilation can be a speed bottleneck in your build, but it doesn’t have to be anymore.
Using an emphasized initial letter is a technique that has been used for centuries. Let’s dive in to see some ways you can apply it to your project to help guide your reader with visual hierarchy.
We have some pretty great new(ish) properties we can use in CSS to make our designs more unique and help provide useful visual cues for your audience. One of these newer techniques can be used to create the drop caps that we know and love often found in print design. This technique has been used for centuries to bring emphasis to a new section of text, and we finally have a decent way to easily apply drop caps with CSS.
First you need an element or class to use as the target, and then we
will append the ::first-letter
pseudo element. The property is
and the value is the number of lines you would like
your initial letter to expand.
.intro::first-letter {
initial-letter: 7;
-webkit-initial-letter: 7;
This code would give us a drop cap seven lines tall, like the large letter “I” in this example:
A few months ago we briefly introduced Feature Queries when we wrote about CSS Grid Layout. Feature Queries will play an important role in using initial-letter today. As a reminder, a Feature Query will ask the browser to check for support for a specific property and value:
@supports (property: value) {
property: value;
When we wrap our block in a Feature Query, we can add additional values
that we would only want applied if
is supported.
@supports (initial-letter: 7) or (-webkit-initial-letter: 7) {
.intro::first-letter {
color: hsl(350, 50%, 50%);
initial-letter: 3;
-webkit-initial-letter: 3;
The specific number used in the @supports line for initial-letter does
not matter unlike properties that require a keyword like
(display: grid)
As of December 2016, only Safari supports initial-letter. Fortunately,
you can still use this as an enhancement and fake it ‘til you make it to
achieve a similar outcome. By using the operator not
we can tell
browsers that do not support initial-letter
to use alternate styles.
$font-size: 1.15rem;
$cap-size: $font-size * 6.25;
@supports (not(initial-letter: 5)) and (not(-webkit-initial-letter: 5)) {
.intro::first-letter {
color: hsl(350, 50%, 50%);
font-size: $cap-size;
float: left;
line-height: .7;
margin: 17px 2px 0 0;
These “magic numbers” are not universal so if you change a value or font-family you will likely have to edit these values. We could probably spend some time to calculate the line-height and font-size more programmatically, but it will not take into account the x-height of the typeface you choose. Here is a screenshot of the resulting fallback and enhancement:
Here is the CodePen demo:
See the Pen Initial Letter, with fallback and enhancement by Stacy (@stacy) on CodePen.
Another optional value we can use for our initial-letter
property will
instruct the browser where to place the initial cap. After our drop cap
height value we will add a space and the number of lines we want our cap
to drop. A value equal to the initial height value is the default.
.raised-cap::first-letter {
-webkit-initial-letter: 3 1;
initial-letter: 3 1;
.sunken-cap::first-letter {
-webkit-initial-letter: 3 2;
initial-letter: 3 2;
The following CodePen demo is available in Safari only:
See the Pen Initial Letter, showing multiple positions by Stacy (@stacy) on CodePen.
We’d love to see how you use initial-letter
in your design. Send us a
message via Twitter.
A workshop on resilient & maintainable CSS
New CSS features are shipping at an unprecedented rate –
cascade layers, container queries, the :has()
subgrid, nesting, and so much more.
It’s a good time to step back and understand
how these tools fit together in a declarative system –
a resilient cascade of styles.
Drop caps, or “dropped capitals” are a design element that can add a little oomph to your page (or screen). The idea is this: a large capital letter, the first letter of the first word of your paragraph, stands out as a decorative element. This captures your reader’s attention,…
A quick guide to adopting the modern Sass API
Sass compilation can be a speed bottleneck in your build, but it doesn’t have to be anymore.
CSS Working Group updates from July
Over the last month, the CSS Working Group has determined we can loosen containment restrictions for query containers, and agreed on a syntax for special-case support queries (like support for the gap property in a flex context, or support for align-content in a block flow context).
What I’ve been working on as an Invited Expert
The CSS Working Group has regular face-to-face meetings (hybrid online/in-person) throughout the year, and they always result in a flurry of activity! Here’s a rundown of some highlights from the last few months, with a focus on the features I maintain.