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Rainbow corgi

Authoring the future of CSS

A spinoff of the Party Corgi Network discord. I chat with Chris Biscardi about The CSS Working Group, open-source projects, art, and music.

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Recent Podcasts

  1. Shop Talk Show Podcast
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    Cascade Layers, CSS Functions, and More

    I drop by the show to talk about CSS updates and news on container queries, rolling out cascade layers, !important things to remember, custom properties, exit animations, CSS functions, state queries, and more.

    see all Podcast posts
  2. Grainy art-deco illustration of a rocket launch
    Podcast post type

    CSS Containers

    A web development podcast from LogRocket

    I talk with Noel Minchow about CSS Container Queries, why they took so long, how they work, and what to watch out for.

    see all Podcast posts
  3. Grainy art-deco illustration of a rocket launch
    Podcast post type

    Styling the intrinsic web

    A web development podcast from LogRocket

    I talk with Noel Minchow about how to style the intrinsic web, what that means, and how it’s compatible with responsive design.

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