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Two websites loaded on
the WWW Hypermedia Browser,
using the emulator hosted by Remy Sharp --
our workshop page, and the 11ty symposium site --
both rendered as plain text

Hints and Suggestions

The web is fundamentally different from other platforms, built around a radically political vision for resilience and user-control. CSS takes that to another level, attempting the almost absurd task of collaborative styling across devices and interfaces and languages.

This is a dive into the origins of the web, and CSS in particular – the design constraints, the range of strange proposals, and how we got where we are. By the end, we see the CSS is Awesome meme in a whole new light.

Conference videos…

Upcoming Workshop

Mia from behind,
standing at a laptop -
speaking to a conference audience
and gesturing to one side

Cascading Style Systems

A workshop on resilient & maintainable CSS

New CSS features are shipping at an unprecedented rate – cascade layers, container queries, the :has() selector, subgrid, nesting, and so much more. It’s a good time to step back and understand how these tools fit together in a declarative system – a resilient cascade of styles.

Register for the October workshop »
