Speeding Up Your Sass Compilation in Vite and Webpack
A quick guide to adopting the modern Sass API
Sass compilation can be a speed bottleneck in your build, but it doesn’t have to be anymore.
Size queries are stable, and shipping in browsers
Since we got a first look at a Container Queries prototype back in April 2021, the syntax has changed a few times. But now the spec is stable, browsers are getting ready to ship, and it’s time to make sure you’re using the same syntax they are!
, and
, or
Upgrade to Chrome 105 or Safari 16
to get the proper behavior.Container Queries allow us to measure (or ‘query’) aspects of a ‘container’ element, and style any descendants based on the result of the query. This is very similar to Media Queries, which allow us to query the overall browser viewport.
If you haven’t encountered Container Queries before, there are many resources available on the web. David Herron wrote a great Quick Start Guide back in April 2021, when Chrome Canary shipped the first prototype of the feature.
Since then the syntax has gone through several revisions. That’s why we prototype – it allows us to learn and make changes, before developers are relying on the feature in production. The downside is, many people (including me!) have written articles, made demos, given talks, and released videos using now-out-of-date syntax.
Now Safari and Chrome have both signaled that they are ready to ship Container size queries and units, likely starting in late August 2022.
So, what syntax is actually shipping in browsers?
main, .sidebar {
/* establish containers for inline-size queries */
container-type: inline-size;
main {
/* optionally give a container one or more names */
/* - use any names you want, there are no pre-defined options */
container-name: main-content page-layout;
article {
/* a shorthand to set both names and types */
/* - names are required and come first in the shorthand */
container: article-layout / inline-size;
/* query the nearest ancestor container named page-layout */
/* - using a container-name is optional in the query */
/* - we can also use the old `(min-width: 40em)` syntax */
@container page-layout (inline-size > 40em) {
.card {
grid-template-columns: auto 1fr;
h2 {
/* container-query-inline units */
font-size: max(1.2em, 1em + 2cqi);
If you are looking at an old demo, talk, or article, and wondering why it doesn’t work, there are two major changes that you should check first:
Let’s dig into the details…
In order to query elements in the page,
we need to define them as query containers.
We can do that with the container-type
which defines the questions we’re able to ask
about a given container.
The initial value is normal
By default,
all elements are style containers –
meaning we should be able to query the
computed value
of any property on any element.
But don’t worry about that yet,
browsers are shipping
size queries and units first.[1]
For now, you can use the normal
to override other values –
similar to using the initial
Size containers need to be defined explicitly, because they require special size containment in order to function. Normally, the size of an element would be based on the size of its contents – but if we query that size, and change the contents based on the query, we have an infinite loop. Size containment breaks that loop by ensuring the size of a container is not based on the size of its contents.
Here we have two options:
establishes size containment
on the inline axis (the direction that text flows),
and allows us to query the inline size
of the container.
This is almost always what you want.size
establishes size containment
on both dimensions of the container,
and allows us to query either the inline or block size.
Be careful with this –
elements might collapse entirely
if they can’t get either a width or height value
from their contents.There is no block-size
I won’t go into all the reasons here,
but it wasn’t possible for browsers to implement,
and there are fewer use-cases for it anyway.
Over time,
Media Queries have expanded
to cover much more than viewport sizing –
we can query user preferences,
display quality,
interaction capabilities,
and more.
We expect a similar expansion
with Container Queries.
Size queries will ship this summer,
but style queries are already well-defined,
and ready for browsers to implement.
We’re also looking into a range of possible
state queries –
for example,
selecting elements inside a position: sticky
based on the stuck or unstuck ‘state’
of that container.
By default,
a container query will look for
the nearest ancestor container of the appropriate type.
So if we ask about the inline-size
of a container,
we’ll get the inline dimensions of
the nearest ancestor with a size-based container-type
That’s a handy default,
but it’s more resilient if we can name our containers,
and know that we’re measuring the right thing.
We can do that with the container-name
It allows us to give a container
any number of custom names that we want.
Those names can be any valid CSS ‘custom-ident’
that we come up with
(similar to naming keyframe animations, grid-areas, layers, etc),
and they are not required to be unique.
There are only a few reserved words –
like none
or not
or initial
that we can’t use as names.
Think of container-names more like a ‘class’ than an ‘ID’.
We can make them as broad or specific as we need.
I think it’s useful to establish
some broad categories like
or component
and then occasionally add more
detailed/specific identifiers as needed
(like main
in the code sample above).
shorthandThere’s also a container
that allows us to define both the container
types and names in a single property.
This should only be used
to set both the name AND type of a property:
main, .sidebar {
/* <name> comes before the slash, <type> comes after */
container: page-layout / inline-size;
Names go first, before the slash. This is one of the big changes that will break a lot of demos. In an earlier draft of the feature, the order was reversed. If you see an old container query article or talk or demo that no longer works, this is probably why.
Did you know that
Container Queries
also come with their own units?
These work the same as
viewport units
, vh
, vmin
, etc) –
but if they end up inside a size container,
they’ll use the container dimensions
instead of the viewport dimensions.
If they aren’t inside a container,
they’ll use the ‘small viewport’ dimensions.
- 1%
of a query container’s width1cqh
- 1%
of a query container’s height1cqi
- 1%
of a query container’s inline size1cqb
- 1%
of a query container’s block size1cqmin
- The smaller value of cqi
or cqb
- The larger value of cqi
or cqb
This also changed
after some of the early demos came out.
The original prototype
used q*
instead of cq*
as the unit prefix.
Scott Kellum has a great demo on Codepen:
See the Pen Container units by @scottkellum on CodePen.
Now that we have some (size) containers defined, we can query various aspects of their dimensions:[2]
@container (inline-size > 40em) {
h2 { font-size: 1.5em; }
@container page-layout (min-width: 35em) {
.card {
grid-template-columns: auto 1fr;
There are a few things to note here:
(inline-size > 40em)
is a separate feature,
which is allowed in media queries
as well as container queries.
at this point,
Safari only supports it in container queries.h2
and .card
element on the page
will query its own container.
An h2
will query the nearest ancestor size container,
but a .card
will only query ancestors
that also have the correct page-layout
-based media queries use the ‘browser em’ (usually 16px
but container-queries actually resolve units
based on the font-size of the container.Chrome 105 & Safari 16 both support size queries and units. Firefox is actively working on support, but hasn’t yet announced when it will be ready. Here’s the current support for each feature:
Chrome has started to implement
a prototype of style queries
(for custom properties only)
in Chrome Canary,
using the --enable-blink-test-features
runtime (command line) flag.
Keep an eye out for more details soon! ↩︎
Check out the spec
for a full list of
size container features
that can be queried –
like aspect-ratio
and orientation
. ↩︎
A workshop on resilient & maintainable CSS
New CSS features are shipping at an unprecedented rate –
cascade layers, container queries, the :has()
subgrid, nesting, and so much more.
It’s a good time to step back and understand
how these tools fit together in a declarative system –
a resilient cascade of styles.
If you want to start using these features (I recommend it!) just make sure you’re using the right syntax! Some things have changed between the first prototype and the final version that’s shipping in browsers.…
A quick guide to adopting the modern Sass API
Sass compilation can be a speed bottleneck in your build, but it doesn’t have to be anymore.
CSS Working Group updates from July
Over the last month, the CSS Working Group has determined we can loosen containment restrictions for query containers, and agreed on a syntax for special-case support queries (like support for the gap property in a flex context, or support for align-content in a block flow context).
What I’ve been working on as an Invited Expert
The CSS Working Group has regular face-to-face meetings (hybrid online/in-person) throughout the year, and they always result in a flurry of activity! Here’s a rundown of some highlights from the last few months, with a focus on the features I maintain.