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VueConf US

I’ve been excited about Vue.js since Sarah Drasner first showed me the basics. Since then, we’ve started using it for client work at OddBird, and I’m constantly impressed by the power and simplicity – so it was a real honor being invited to speak at the first VueConf US in New Orleans.

Video from VueConf US

Every time I hear Miriam talk I learn a ton and laugh a ton. She’s an amazing speaker… Watch this talk when it’s published!

I enjoyed the conference as much as I enjoy the framework. I was particularly impressed with the way core team members talk about community and future development. Everyone was welcoming, interested in my contributions, and helpful when I had questions. Several of the core team members are now helping us build Vue component documentation into Herman, our style guide generator.

I was also able to attend Sarah’s full-day Vue animation workshop. If you ever have the chance to learn from Sarah, I highly recommend it. I was already using the Vue <transition> and <transition-group> built-in functionality on projects, but not to their full extent. Revisiting an internal OddBird project, still in early development, I was finally able to create the page transitions that I wanted all along.

The image is low-resolution in order to show more animations, without a massive file size…

All the VueConf talks are available online, and I recommend checking them out!

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